• Sample Apps


App Inventor is a Do-It-Yourself App Builder that lets anyone build apps. You can even create apps that access web data– Amazon book information, RSS feeds, stock information, weather information, you name it.

App Inventor Mash is the place to:

  • download and customize App Inventor apps
  • download and customize App-Inventor-compliant API code
  • Learn how to create your own App-Inventor-Compliant APIs

How it Works

App Inventor provides a component, TinyWebDB, which is the gateway from app to web. You can set its ServiceURL property to any App-Inventor-compliant API and easily bring in data to your app.

There are only a few such APIs in existence, as App Inventor is a new tool. But its easy to create new AI-Compliant-APIs, and this site shows you how.

5 Responses

  1. I am using App Inventor to create an app for a nutririon databas. It has a lot of text data –too much to fit in the App and only a small percentage of it is needed by any one user. I have created a custom TinyWebDB and stored data there. Since the most recent App Inventor update, the “GET VALUE” command does not work, either for AppInventor’s own TinyWebDB or for my custom one. Help!

  2. When I try to retrieve data which is stored in database hosted as a webservice in google’s app engine using the Get Value method via TinyWebDB its retrieving with missing characters. Its ignoring all the characters once it encounters a special character in a string

  3. How would i connect to a database made with Phpizabi? The social networking platform.

  4. So is there no way to make a bullet point or like a list? I want to make a list and i’m tired of listing names and like having to put /’s or .’s to divide them.

  5. similar and different TinyDB vs TinyWebDB????

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